Monday, August 15, 2005

Sarah, thoughts on S45 week 2

I've been having a very rough time over the past week, emotionally, mentally, physically. I've been very depressed, tired, on my period and I have a sore throat. My desire to go through with Strive For Five took a major nose dive.

But here I am. I haven't quit. Not yet.

last week I did 4 days of exercise, I did strive for 5 and I almost made it. I struggled with my fruits and veggies on only 2 days, being short the goal of 5 per day by only 2.

I know water isn't a focus of this challenge, but I do try to drink at least 60oz normally. Last week very little water was drank. And I made horrible food choices, despite my saying I was going to start up on WW again. What can I say? There's no excuse. I am/was depressed and I'm an extremely emotional eater/drinker. Soda is my number one comfort.

It's a good thing I'm not weighing till September 2nd or I'm sure I'd see a huge number. A lot of it bloat, from period, salty foods, no water, etc., but I have to be real and face up the fact that eating whoppers and cheese fries doesn't help the scale go down, ya know?

Anyway, I got off topic.

S45 is all about striving for 5 days of exercise and 5 fruits/veggies a day and I'd say I succeeded last week, despite the hurdles I set before myself.

And after all that is said and done the thing that disappoints me the most is how I may have let down my friends. I look for them for support and encouragement and always hope to be there to give the same in return. By succumbing to my depression I not only deny myself the much needed support from them, I also take away any help and support I can offer. We aren't alone in this, we don't want to be, that is why we have Skinny Bitches, but I left them alone. For this I am truly sorry.

1 comment:

Jenn said...

You sure as hell didn't leave me alone. Your inspiration to me isn't in your perfection, or your doing everything right, or even in your results. Your inspiration to me is that despite what hurdles are before you, you still haven't given up. I don't look up to you because you are a pillar of strength and you have this wonderful self image, I look up to you because you feel the very same feelings I have and you try your hardest to over come them. Your inspiration to me is in your humanity Sarah, your flaws, your ups and your downs and the preserverances despite screw ups. None of us are perfect. You haven't failed yourself yet, you personally haven't failed me. We're in this together and I'll get down in the muck with you as long as you need the help to climb out. You are *real* and your struggle is real and that is what drives me. If I have a bad day, week, month I know that hey, Sarah knows exactly how I feel. She knows exactly what I need (and maybe might not want!) to hear. And you'll tell me. It isn't hypocritical to tell someone to keep going when you've had a bad week, it's called experiance! So dry your eyes sweet girl, we have work to do. *hugshugshugs*