Tuesday, August 30, 2005

upping my walk next month

My motto is slow and steady. I don't like to do too many things at once and overwhelm myself, it just leads to frustration and failure. I also know my body needs to build up how much exercise it can handle.

Since I started exercising again I've been upping my WATP workout by 1/2 a mile each month. September I was supposed to go up to 2.5 miles but I've decided to go ahead with 3 miles. I'm getting board of the first mile and I think knowing that I'll be doing the whole video will help to get me through the rut of the first mile.
Of course, if after 2.5 miles I'm done for I wont be pushing myself, no good making myself miserable and coming to actually hate the workout. I think I can do 3 miles though.

I'll start off slow with the weights, do as much as I can handle, and when I think I can go longer with them I will. I think by the end of the month I'll be able to do the entire 3 mile walk, weights included. At least I hope so, those little 2 pound weights are heavy little fuckers ;)


Since it was asked, WATP is an in-home walking program created by Leslie Sansone. I have a DVD of 1 and 2 miles and I think Sarah has a DVD of 3 miles. More information can be found here. You can also look up WATP and/or Leslie Sansone on Amazon.com.

Hope that clears that up!

Sarah- Strive for Five week 5

Friday August 26th - Thursday September 1st

Friday: Exercise- NO & fruits/veggies- NO

Saturday: Exercise- NO & fruits/veggies- Done (5 veggies)

Sunday: Exercise- NO & fruits/veggies- Done (5 veggies)

Monday: Sweatin to the Oldies- DONE &fruits/veggies- NO (3 veggies)

Tuesday: Sweatin to the Oldies- DONE & fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Wednesday Sweatin to the Oldies- DONE & fruits/veggies- Done (2 fruit, 3 veggies)

Thursday: Sweatin to the Oldies- DONE & fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Monday, August 29, 2005

H2O- The Way to Go!

Our September motto is H2O- The Way to Go! (hey, no one said we were witty bitches *wink*)

We will continue on with the Strive for Five goals of
-working out 5 days a week &
- 5 servings of fruits and veggies (preferably 3 of one, 2 of the other) a day
but we will be adding in
-drinking 64 oz of water a day.

Our weeks will still start on Friday, but this challenge will be 4 weeks long from September 2nd to September 29th.

There is no set date for Weigh In's, when to weigh is a totally individual decision.

Buy your water girls, we start on September 2nd!

Saturday, August 27, 2005

Jennah's Week 5

Friday: None
Having a hard time starting out again after being sick for a week.







start of S45 week 5

Not looking too good, I've been feeling ill on and off all day. No fruit, no veggies, no exercise.

Friday, August 26, 2005


We aren't sure what happened but our Skinny Bitches layout went haywire and disappeared. This is our replacement layout for the time being.

Thursday, August 25, 2005

Sarah- Strive for Five week 4

Friday August 19th - Thursday August 25th

Friday: WATP 2 miles w/2 lb weights & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (3 fruits, 2 veggies)

Saturday: Exercise- NO & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (6 veggies)

Sunday: WATP 2 miles w/2 lb weights & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (6 veggies)

Monday: Exercise- Walk at park & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Tuesday: WATP 2 miles w/2 lb weights & 5 fruits/veggies- NO (3 fruits)

Wednesday: Exercise- Walk at park & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (1 fruit, 6 veggies)

Thursday: WATP 1 mile & 5 fruits/veggies- DONE (5 fruits)

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

"Spam" Comments

Well if someone is going to send unsolicited comments at least they are nice about it and tell us what a fantastic blog we have. Other than that, this new wave of bombardment from "spam" type comments is annoying the heck out of me.

Sickness trumps exercise

Well I have a horrid cold. Coughing, congestion, sore throat, miserable little thing I am. I'm not going to be working out until probably Friday. I'm giving myself this week to recoup and recover. I want to start the week out fresh. Stupid cold is going to keep me from my 5 week goal for August. *sniff*

SB Members

Here are those who have joined us at Skinny Bitches:

Saturday, August 20, 2005

pst... new pic...

Dude, totally check out Jennah's new icon!

She's hot!

New Changes for SB

For those of you who have asked to join in on the Skinny Bitches challenges and group, good news! We are opening Skinny Bitches up to those who want to join.

Here is how this works:

Anyone who is trying to lose weight or maintain a healthy lifestyle is welcome to join. You do have to have a journal but it does not have to be about weightloss or weight in general. Some people like to keep their journey private and personal and we respect that.

However, if you would like to become a SB member, you have to display one of our little buttons (tried to make them as small as possible as some people do not like buttons littering their web design!) or a text link on your website. It's a thing of solidarity and support for all of those on this journey to better health and better bodies.

That's it! Easy huh?

Ok you knew it couldn't be that easy. There are a few rules to follow...

1. No anorexic/bullemia promoting sites are allowed. This is not about being as skinny as you can get. This is about changing your life to be a better, healthier, happier you. Am I saying that those who have struggled with eating disorders can't join? Of course not, but if you are in any way promoting unhealthy eating habits such as starvation (500 cals a day or something) and your main goal is be as thin as you can with little regard to the health of your body you will not be allowed to join.

2. No mean websites. This includes racist or propagandic type websites that promote hate and violence.

3. No pornographic promoting sites. It's one thing to be "frank" in your diary. That's fine! It's another to just go all out XXX with pictures and crude language.

4. It is not required, but talking about your weightloss journey would be wonderful. How are you doing with the current challenge? What are your achievements and accomplishments. People are going to be visiting our Members page looking for inspiration and commonality. We want to show our support!

5. Save the buttons to your own computer and upload them to whatever host you use to link them on your site. Do not steal our bandwith please. It's not nice. If we find you stealing our bandwith and linking directly to our buttons, you will find a very hostile group of Skinny Bitches coming for you.

6. Save the buttons to your own computer. I can not stress this enough. How? Well I can only tell you how it is done on a PC but you put your mouse on the button you want, right click on your mouse and select "Save image as" from the menu. From there a little save dialogue box is open and you can decide what folder to save your very own SB button.

7. You must link back to us. Help spread the word around about this site. You obviously think we rock or you wouldn't have a button on your site in the first place right? So be nice and share!

8. You MUST email us once you have got your button (or text link) on your website so we can add you to the members list. You must have "SB Member" in the subject line. This is how the mail is filtered into a special folder. If you don't we might miss your email and not add you right away. If you do not wish to be added to the members list, email us anyway and tell us not to add you. We'd just like to keep track of who's an SB member so we can check up on you and see how you are doing.

9. There will be NO FLAMING or CRITICIZING of other members. We are a SUPPORT group people. If you don't like how someone is living their life, close your browser. If you think someone is in violation of the above rules, quietly email us about it. We all are here with the same common goal and objective. Play nice.

10. Have fun. This should be first and foremost.... (except that I just remembered to add it now). You only get one life and one body. Take care of it so it can take care of you.


***More buttons to come in the future. If you would like to create buttons for SB, email them to us with the subject line, "SB Buttons"

Thursday, August 18, 2005

Sarah, thoughts on S45 week 3

Got all my fruits and veggies in for the week!

Got 4 out of 5 days of exercise done. I really was in no shape at the start of the week to care and after working out 4 days in a row and then not being able to sleep last night and getting up at the butt-crack of dawn with the youngin's I am just to pooped to do anything tonight. My body aches with tiredness.

But you know what? I'm still happy, I'm still proud. I did 4 days, 4 days or working out, 4 days of getting my heart rate up, 4 days of sweating and feeling sore as opposed to an entire week of lazing about feeling miserable, imagining the fat just expanding and expanding.

Wednesday, August 17, 2005

Sarah- Strive for Five week 3

Friday August 12th - Thursday August 18th

Friday: Exercise- NO & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (2 fruits, 3 veggies)

Saturday: Exercise-NO & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Sunday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Monday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Tuesday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Wednesday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (2 fruit, 3 veggies)

Thursday: Workout- NO & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (2 fruit, 4 veggies)

Monday, August 15, 2005

Jennah Week 3

Denise Austin Fit and Lite - Opening stretch and cardio portion (10 minutes)
WATP - 1 mile w/ 2 lb. weights
Fruits/Veggies - 1 serving (veggies)


WATP 2 miles w/ 2 lb. weights
Fruits/Veggies- 2 servings (one fruit/one veggie)

Monday: None

Tuesday: None

Denise Austin's Fit and Lite - Hips, buns, thighs
Fruits/Veggies - 1 serving veggies


Over all, I came out with 3 days of working out and too few servings of fruits and veggies. I'm just having a real hard time getting those in. I'm definitly going to the store today to pick up some frozen fruit for smoothies though. Woo!

Sarah, thoughts on S45 week 2

I've been having a very rough time over the past week, emotionally, mentally, physically. I've been very depressed, tired, on my period and I have a sore throat. My desire to go through with Strive For Five took a major nose dive.

But here I am. I haven't quit. Not yet.

last week I did 4 days of exercise, I did strive for 5 and I almost made it. I struggled with my fruits and veggies on only 2 days, being short the goal of 5 per day by only 2.

I know water isn't a focus of this challenge, but I do try to drink at least 60oz normally. Last week very little water was drank. And I made horrible food choices, despite my saying I was going to start up on WW again. What can I say? There's no excuse. I am/was depressed and I'm an extremely emotional eater/drinker. Soda is my number one comfort.

It's a good thing I'm not weighing till September 2nd or I'm sure I'd see a huge number. A lot of it bloat, from period, salty foods, no water, etc., but I have to be real and face up the fact that eating whoppers and cheese fries doesn't help the scale go down, ya know?

Anyway, I got off topic.

S45 is all about striving for 5 days of exercise and 5 fruits/veggies a day and I'd say I succeeded last week, despite the hurdles I set before myself.

And after all that is said and done the thing that disappoints me the most is how I may have let down my friends. I look for them for support and encouragement and always hope to be there to give the same in return. By succumbing to my depression I not only deny myself the much needed support from them, I also take away any help and support I can offer. We aren't alone in this, we don't want to be, that is why we have Skinny Bitches, but I left them alone. For this I am truly sorry.

Saturday, August 13, 2005

Jen's Week 2 Results

Ok, I came out with 4 days of working out. My last day was just plain laziness that I didn't want to get up and do anything.

Veggies and fruits? I can't give you an exact amount but I can say I did meh on the veggies and ok on the fruits. I didn't think it would be this hard to get fruits and veggies in. I actually like them!

I'm faltering on water. I love my new Brita pitcher but damn is it a hassle to fill! And it seems to need filling once every other day. I need to be less lazy about that. Maybe next month we can continue Strive for five and include at least 5 days of absolute water drinking where we get all 64 oz. or more. H20, it's the way to go! Ok that was cheesey....

I did work out tonight, first day of week 3! Can you believe that we are a few days away from halfway to goal? Wow, 5 weeks seemed so far away. I can't believe it.

Well I'm off for some water and relaxation!

Thursday, August 11, 2005

Sarah- Strive for Five week 2

Friday August 5th - Thursday August 11th

Friday: Walk and Jog, but counts as WATP- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (5 veggies)
Saturday: Exercise-NO 5 fruits/veggies- NO (3 veggies)
Sunday: WATP- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- NO (3 veggies)
Monday: Exercise-NO 5 fruits/veggies- Done (5 veggies)
Tuesday: WATP- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (5 veggies, 1 fruit)
Wednesday: WATP- Done (part, but counts, not my fault baby woke up) 5 fruits/veggies- Done (3 veggies, 2 fruit)
Thursday: Exercise- NO & fruits/veggies- Done (1 fruit, 4 veggies)

Monday, August 08, 2005

fruits, veggies and weight watchers

It's been a struggle lately to get 5 fruits/veggies a day. I'm striving for them though, I get about 3 servings, which is better than nothing right?

I'm going to try WW at home again starting Monday, well today technically. I'm hoping that helps motivate me to eat more fruits and veggies along with the challenge. I also hope it keeps me more accountable and helps me to get my eating under control again, this past week has been a free for all. I know it didn't work after Anna was born because I felt I needed the meetings, I missed the meetings (from after Eli was born), and I let that disappointment at not being able to attend them drag me down. I'm hoping this time I keep an open mind and tell myself I can do it without the meetings and push myself with the promise to join again as soon I am able to.

Friday, August 05, 2005

Jen's Week 2

Well I haven't updated but I'm still going strong minus the fruits and veggies. Does orange glaze on chicken count as a fruit? Drats. I thought not too.

I've exercised all my 5 days last week and this week going strong too. I hope to get to the market on Sunday when the man has a day off of work. This will be the first week in a month that he has 2 days off!

Just wanted to let ya'll know that I haven't fallen off the wagon. Still going strong. I have been wanting to get a tape measure to take my measurements since my weight isn't really accurate (for my own peace of mind) not weighing first thing in the morning but after I have eaten. For those of you who don't know, I only weigh when I go over to my mother-in-law's house and usually by the time we make it over there is in the evening after a day's worth of meals and usually right after eating dinner. So I think taking monthly measurements will do me some good to in knowing that even though my weight doesn't seem to drop (for whatever reason) I am still losing inches by building muscle and causing it to contract and pull in.

Ok I've rambled on enough. Time to hit the shower!

Wednesday, August 03, 2005

workout tunes?

Dearest Readers-

We here at Skinny Bitches would greatly appreciate it if you'd be kind enough to help us gather workout music. We bore of listening to Leslie Sansone talk during Walk Away the Pounds.
If you wouldn't mind listing some of your favorite workout music in the comments we'd be much obliged.


Your Friendly Neighborhood Skinny Bitches

Tuesday, August 02, 2005

Sarah- Strive for Five week 1

I've decided to just keep a little chart for each week instead of updating with a new post every day, keep it all neat and in one spot :)

Friday July 29th - Thursday August 4th

Friday: WATP 2 miles- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (4 veggies, 1 fruit)
Saturday: WATP 2 miles- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (4 veggies, 1 fruit)
Sunday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- NO (2 fruit)
Monday: Sweatin to the Oldies- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (2 fruit, 4 veggies)
Tuesday: WATP 2 miles- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- NO (2 veggies, 1 fruit)
Wednesday: Day off & 5 fruits/veggies- NO (3 veggies, 1 fruit) Almost!
Thursday: WATP 2 miles- Done & 5 fruits/veggies- Done (4 veggies, 1 fruit)

Monday, August 01, 2005

Night Off

I know that it is only 3 days into the challenge and I've already taken a night off but I am just too tired after walking 90 minutes around W@lm@rt.

I did get veggies in today - 3 servings.