Sunday, September 11, 2005

rough going

It's been very rough going over here the past week. I haven't worked out since Tuesday. Last week was frustrating as well workout wise, every time I got into my WATP something happened to interrupt and I never got my full 3 miles in, hell I was lucky to get 1 mile done a couple days.

Food? Oh food. I've been getting fruits and veggies in, but loads of bad crap as well. Loads. Bad Crap. Yummy.

I've gained, even though I wasn't going to weigh till before my trip I weighed and it's not pretty, also not "official" so I wont share.

Really going to try and get back on the "wagon", once I find it again.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi Guys, yeah I too have 'fallen of the wagon'. Ahhh... I know it's no excuse, but I just feel so tired and icky at the moment. I know if I start exercising again I will feel better, but it's hard to get into it. Catch 22.

Welps, I hope you can find that wagon of yours Sarah :-)